Saturday, 28 September 2013

Joanna Gruesome - Sugarcrush

Released August 12th 2013

When musicians choose to walk the thin line of emotive and desperation soaked musical undertones while keeping an all-out heavy aggressive and destructive sound they find they can leave themselves open to scrutiny, sometimes it pays off in a huge way while other times they’ll end up with a unfathomable mess that very few people will have the chance to appreciate. Joanna Gruesome are one of those bands; if you listen to their debut album release ‘Weird Sister’ you’ll see the almost schizophrenic mood swings from track to track, bouncing from anger and isolation to upbeat and almost jovial and celebratory pieces.

The track I'm reviewing here, ‘Sugarcrush’ presents this for the listener sublimely, the highs and lows fluctuate throughout keeping the listener engaged and show the truly remarkable talent these guys have for producing something totally unique. The female vocals provide define the direction of the music being played with the sweet and almost innocent sounding tones providing a stark contrast of the heavy music backing and the lingering depressive male vocals running alongside. Together they create one of the most original pieces of music I've heard this year and from a genre I’d had little to no experience with in the past.

As a standalone track it works wonderfully, everything sounds so DIY and homemade which only adds the charm and evokes nostalgia while simultaneously showing how music has changed and progressed over time; with clear influences from both modern and more contemporary artists what’s created is something wholly original, however when listened to as part of the album it takes on a life of its own, think of it as a piece of a jigsaw, alone you can appreciate its disjointed beauty while as a whole you enter into an extremely layered and textured piece of work.

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